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Stefanie Schweiger

Born in Gross-Gerau, Germany in 1979. Stefanie Schweiger studied photography under Roger Melis
and graduated from Lette Verein Berlin in 2002. She has been working and publishing continuously in
Europe and Asia for severalmagazines and newspapers, such as Zeit magazin, Die Zeit, NZZ, NZZ
magazin, Das Magazin, Vision Magazine, SixthTone, etc. In addition to her work for international media,
Stefanie Schweiger continues to pursue her own projects. Selected exhibitions include Group
Exhibition Umspannwerk Berlin (2002), “123 Dimensionale”, Istanbul Gallery Fotini and Berlin Gallery
Border Liner (2003), “Young Photography Germany”, Berlin GTZ Germany Group Exhibition (2004). In
2015, she won the Robert Bosch Stiftung Scholarship for project “Chicken Are Not Naked”. Afterwards,
the project exhibition in Beijing Goethe Institute, and Tianjin German Chinese Culture Exchange Art
Exhibition (2017).

Stefanie works
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